Wednesday 17 April 2013

Level Design

 (1)The Player starts off in a drop pod that hass been deployed down to this planet while in the pod the player is familiarized with how to control the game and their first task is to escape

(2)The Antenna This is not necessarily the next place the player will go but they are free to interact with it. its purpose is to connect the quest giver and get information on how to enter the lab if the player had gone to (3) the lab entrance then they will be prompted to go to this building to receive further information.

(3)as stated above if this is the first thing the player interacts with a message will pop up hinting them to use the antenna to contact the quest giver on information on how to proceed as this door is locked .after the player has retrieved the information from the antenna they will able to be proceed to the next level.

This is basically a tutorial / First level  informing the player on how to interact with the game wold and how puzzles work.

Asset List 

High Priority 

Drop Pod
Lab Entrance  

Medium Priority 

Cliff Areas

Low Priority 

Drop pod Debris 

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