Wednesday 17 April 2013

Skybox Creation

my attempts at creating a sky box

First i started with a large image of a horizon like this


Then using photoshop i cut it up into 6 different parts one for top,bottom,left,right,forward and back then i placed it into a new sky box Shader material and then applied it to the scene these are my unfortunate results 

as you can see it turned out quite badly with easily visible seams and misaligned textures... So back to the drawing board.

After looking around on the net at some Unity Skybox tutorials i started again

this time i started with this image. this image has been optimized for use in 3d Skyboxes

Finished Product. after refreshing what was taught in class i found it quite easy to manufacture my own skyboxes. this is handy to know about as most if not all 3d games use skyboxes

(you may or may not be able to see the seam in the skybox this is due a small defect in the source image)

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