Sunday 2 June 2013


over the course I have learnt some important things not only on how to use unity and 3DS MAX but also on certain Standards relating to game design such as.

  • How Game engines prefer certain file types and texture sizes.

  • How to correctly Construct 3D Digital Models for use in game engines.

  • How to apply Textures to 3D Models. 

  • Alpha channels (transparency). 

  • Texturing an environment, using techniques such as procedural and applying the texture directly.

  • How to integrate models into a scene (giving a presence to a model by applying textures to its surrounding and editing the terrain to blend it into the scene).

  • How to create a Level Blueprint and then model that for scaling purposes  

  • How to correctly create models in scale with a level blueprint. 

Some other miscellaneous things I learnt.

  • Using Alpha channels to create grass for use in unity. 

  • Constructing Sky box textures for use in unity.  

  • Some advanced functions of 3DS MAX.

  • How to create a walk-through of my level using a capture program.

  • How to use external plugins in unity 

Things I could have done better with my level.

some better terrain texture could be in order or more varied textures 

better lighting and shadows 

maybe some Catwalk models I felt the environment was quite empty.
maybe some light posts. 
so maybe more models in general.

more tree variates, some grass

Vimeo Embed of my walk-through for your viewing pleasure

6107807610_Mitchell_Hetherington_Level from Mitchell Hetherington on Vimeo.

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