Wednesday 6 March 2013

 Chapter 2 Blogger formatting strikes back 

1. Using some of the techniques discussed in this chapter, begin developing a concept for
an original game idea. Discuss the central theme of your idea, and the methods you used
to bring your idea into existence.
 When I started to answer this question I was thinking of a game like MYST. For those who have not played this game, MYST and its squeals are are point and click puzzle games that use Stunning abstract environments and haunting music to draw the player into the world. So off to YouTube I went and I began to watch videos of how MYST was made. I used these videos as inspiration in forming the game world in my head. The game would be like MYST but with exploration of the environments using a 3d engine in mind.


The player will explore several unique locations each having its own 'theme' puzzles will be focused around the theme of the area that they reside.

it is important that the environments are highly detailed and rich to help immerse the player into the area that they are exploring. So that players do not lose interest in the game

Puzzles will also need particular attention so they are not too hard for the average player but not to easy or obvious.  

Music can help create a mood for an area.

The player will mostly explore the world alone and will get a lot of explanatory information from books and logs in game

2. Create a back story, environment, and three character descriptions associated with your
original game idea. How are these elements integrated and linked through a central

Back story

The game will take place in a futuristic setting on planet LM901 owned by the Gramm organisation where Omega Lab 24 resides. One month prior to the game all contact   with Omega lab 24 is lost and unit 001 is Downloaded into a body and sent to investigate on arrival Its finds that the facility is deserted and upon looking at the logs finds that Doctor Orais the only one still alive. Unit 001 sets out to find said doctor searching each of the Different Dimensions that labs have breached


There will be many environments in the game all linked together by a single are that being Omega Laboratory 24. the way this is explained is that the labs are Researching Trans-dimensional travel and each environment will be set in a different dimension.

The puzzles in the labs will focus around gaining access to the different environments the appearance of the labs will be mostly that of white and black plastics and metals. Though some forest fauna from LM901 has encroached into the labs

The other Dimensions will each have their own overarching theme like Steam Punk, Jungle and Cyber. As such the puzzles will be related to said themes

LM901 is a dense forest planet on which the lab built on and will also be accessible to the player its puzzles however will be more related to that of the labs instead of having their own distinct theme. LM901's appearance will be that of large forest trees and brush but with the lab being the only human structure on the planet


CCU (Central Control Unit)

Role: Quest Giver

CCU is In charge of all Laboratories owned by the Gramm organisation CCU's main purpose in the game is to give the player direction at the beginning of the game but will mainly be absent from the game only appearing just at the beginning and right at the end

Only functions as quest giver and will have no further contact with player until end of the game

Will look like a large Computer bank with a large screen attached

Unit 001:

Role: Main Protagonist

Unit 001 is the name of an Artificial intelligence that the player will take control of. Unit 001 has been downloaded into a humanoid body to investigate an incident at the omega labs and arrest its overseer

Its appearance in game will be that of some kind of android

Will be genderless and mute

Dr Ora
Role: Main Antagonist???

Dr Ora is a human Doctor in charge of Omega Lab 24 and is reason for the incident at the omega lab and the reason for Unit 001's activation.


Dr Ora will be the games main goal that being his arrest and interrogation by unit 001

Dr Ora has the appearance of a man between 25 – 35 years of age and is wearing a lab coat

3. Document your concept with reference material and original sketches. How did you
capture your reference images? Create thumbnails and silhouettes. Compile these images
into an art “bible” to help guide your vision.

Ocean Platform Ideas 

Labs Refs 

Desert idea 

Forest (LM901)

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